X’s & O’s Resources

5-Out Offense

Defense Breakdowns

Baseline Out of Bounds

Ballscreen Plays

Sets & Plays Breakdown

Team Breakdowns

NBA Game Breakdowns

Posting Schedule

Paid subscribers will receive a new post every Monday & Saturday morning studying different teams, players or offense & defensive breakdowns plus access to everything in the catalog - over 125+ posts. Free subscribers will receive a breakdown on Thursday and the podcast that comes out on Saturday - but the breakdown with resources & extra film will be for paid subscribers.

Monday → Deep Dive

Thursday → X’s & O’s/Sets

Saturday → Podcast + Breakdown

With my first year of head coaching under my belt, I am going to be producing more coaching content that I hope can help every current & aspiring coach out there and that is what the podcast is going to be focused on.

With this shift & all of the content currently available the price for a paid subscription will be increasing to $10 per month starting in September.

Keep Improving

Coach Pyper

Subscribe to Half Court Hoops - Coach's Cut

Basketball Film Breakdowns & Extended Analysis
